Taking place immediately Wildfire Writing will be changing it's name to Sparrow and Vixen Reviews. It's been brought to our attention that another website has the same name and has had it for far longer than we have. Unfortunately two similar sites with the same name causes confusion in search results so we've kindly been asked if we could change our name to avoid this confusion and we have agreed.

This means that our web and email addresses will also be changing so if you have us bookmarked, favourited or saved anywhere. You might want to update your information as soon as possible.


wildfirewriting.blogspot.com >> sparrowandvixen.blogspot.com

email address

wildfirewriting@gmail.com >> sparrowandvixen@gmail.com

The old email account will be left active for 3 months but starting from now and up until the email account is deleted all messages sent to wildfirewriting@gmail.com will receive an automatic reply informing the sender of the account's ultimate demise and that all future inquiries should be sent to sparrowandvixen@gmail.com