Tuesday, 22 May 2012

This is the cover reveal I have been waiting for since the book was mentioned.

I am happy to see it's people free and I think it's a nice cover, very eye catching but since I can't help comparing it to the book covers of the Wicked Lovely series I have to say this cover doesn't wow me. I don't love it.

The cover along with an exclusive excerpt from the book is found here at USAToday.

What about you? Do you love the cover? Hate it? Have you been waiting for the reveal as long as I have? Share your thoughts!

Posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 by Sandy


Monday, 21 May 2012

Book Blogger Confessions is a new bi-weekly meme hosted by Tiger @ All Consuming Books and Karen @ For What it's Worth Reviews.

Memes. Love em or hate em? How many do you participate in? Which kinds do you like best? Do you feel like there are too many?

I think memes are like sweets and alcohol it’s all good as long as it’s done in moderation. Memes are great ways to have regularly scheduled posts that provide traffic to your blog that may bring new followers and comments but too much memes and you’re blog starts to look like a tourist trap. It’s no longer just your place for you to share your views but it’s now filled with mostly other people’s ideas and creations and readers are just stopping by on their way to the next blog that’s doing the meme.

Over on Scribing Shadows I participated in 1 regular meme which is Waiting on Wednesday by Jill at Breaking the Spine, after that on occasion I would participate in Parajunkee’s Follow Friday. Manga Mondays was something I was already doing before Alison of Alison Can Read turned it into a meme for bloggers to share their manga reviews or manga related posts. A great way for others to see my review and all I had to do was post a link. Over here on WildFire Writing we participate in only 1 meme for the moment and it’s Book Blogging Confessions.

I like memes that are easy to participate in and don’t take a lot of time but they make participants write interesting posts. I especially love memes that I can schedule posts for, like WoW and BBC.

I don’t think there can be too many memes as longs as they are all unique, no one wants five memes that discuss or focus on the exact same thing but I do think that one blog can have too many memes. I don’t want to visit a blog and see that it’s 80% memes and 20% original content even if every single meme they participate in is vastly different from each other.

Posted on Monday, May 21, 2012 by Sandy

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Saturday, 12 May 2012

Another set of covers that revealed months ago but were only discovered by us recently.

Nevermore (Final Maximum Ride)
by James Patterson

Crave by Melissa Darnell
(Australian Edition)

I've never read any of the Maximum Ride books (unless you count the manga) nor can I remember what any of the other covers look like but I really like this one if it wasn't for the text I'd love it. Silver hair!

What are your thoughts on this edition of the Crave cover vs. the US edition? Better or worse?

Posted on Saturday, May 12, 2012 by Sandy

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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

I think this is a great story of course I have the books but just have not gotten around to reading it let; I have seen all the movies.

Twilight, I have had my dough’s about the movie when I first heard about it but I think the movie live up to it standards of a vampire movie. It starts off with Bella who is played by Kristen Stewart, Edward who is played by Robert Patterson and Jacob Taylor Lautner.

Of course the movie is base on a teenage girl who feels different and doesn’t fit in with regular teenagers, fails in love with a boy at school name Edward who seems just as confused as she does slowly she starts to see things and does researches were she comes to the conclusion that Edward is a vampire. As the story goes on you find out that his family (a family of vampires) are different from the others were they don’t believe in hurting or killing humans so they drink the blood of animals. (Now my first thought was do they have like some vampire deer’s or something walking around lol) Well as the story progress there are other vampires out there that are not as kind and like humans enough to drink animal blood as they are. So they come into town and start killing on passing thought the town. Charley, Bella’s father is chef of people and he get the case but Jacob who comes from a tribe family, who also knows about vampires. They bad vampire end up hunting Bella as a game, they do get her in the end and one of the vampire I think his name was James bites her and he gets killed and Edwards stops the change from happening. So they go back to school. That's is basic thing in that movie.

New Moon
Then Bella birthday is coming up and Alice (one of Edward’s sisters) throws Bella a birthday party that she goes too and get hurts Jasper which is new to family has not gotten over the smell and taste of blood yet and attacks Bella. Edward push’s her out of the wait and she hits a table breaks it and gets injured even more, and because of that Edward breaks up with Bella. I think she feels worst losing him and has night mares and becomes lonely again, but then she finds out that if she does something dangerous she see Edward as a result of a warning. So she buys too bikes and goes to Jacob and helps her fit them up. Then she use them recklessly and turns out Jacob is in love with Bella but she is too far in Edwards a** to see it. One night they end up at the movies another boy that likes Bella from school and Jacob, they went to see a horror where Jacob tries to put the movies on Bella and she tells he she is not ready. Then the other boy comes along and Jacob ends up get mad and running away, Bella doesn’t here from him from days and the night mares come back but when Jacob disappears and the loneliness comes back she goes looking for him. Where he tells her he knows about her vampire love and that he never wants to see her again and he runs off.
Bella then goes and jumps off a cliff for the funny of it or to see Edward (oh, Victoria is also hunting Bella because of her lost soul mate James) then Jacob saves her and she goes back to her house which Alice is there, she though she had died and Bella runs into the house leaving Jacob outside. Then Alice explains to her that Edward thinks she is dead and she going to kill himself. So she rushes to some where to save Edward leaving Jacob behind. She saves Edward in time and then she meet the Valtoui, how now wants them to change Bella.

Is where some one starts to build a vampire army to come after Bella you later find out it is Victoria and Edward comes back to forks with Bella and Bella finds out the Jacob is a wolf that hunts and kills vampires. She is stuck between both vampires and wolf that are in love with her. So she counties to play both but is mainly with Edward. The vampire and wolfs end up fighting together to try and save Bella. They do and Victoria is killed and so is the army that when the Valtoui’s step in and where not happy to see that Bella had not been change witch they were told a day had been set. Jacob finds out that Bella is getting married to Edward and Jacob also gets hurt. Then he learns that Bella will be changed into a vampire and he is against it. They go back to there lives.

Breaking dawn
Breaking Dawn is were Bella and Edward get married and go on a honey moon, here they get to make love for the first time and Bella wanted to do it as a human, not know what will happen when she is turned. So a day after then, Edward said he would not touch her until she is turned because he hurt her. She gets pregnant which was suppose to be impossible but it happens and they go back home she lies to her family about being sick, with a week she looks 9 months. The baby was on the way the wolf’s decide that it can’t not live and Jacob stands up to them for Bella and him and 2 others decide to protect her plus the vampire family. When comes then have to cut her stomach and put it out and Bella dies but Edwards bites her. (They had a baby girl) Jacob made up his mind saying that the baby can’t live if Bella is died and goes to kill it but then as his walks up from behind the baby looks into his eyes and they imprint and she becomes his soul mate. So the wolfs walk away because there one law is that they cant harm another wolfs soul mate. Then as it was about to end they dress Bella and she wakes up with red eyes.

I love the movie it was GREAT but here is the thing that disappoints, that I have to wait and entire year before I can see Breaking Dawn part 2 which comes out on November 16 2012. I was very up set with this. Why a whole year, why not 6 months. Think this is the worst part about this story.
Thanks you all but that is enough on this until Part 2 comes outs. It is a heart breaker.

Posted on Wednesday, May 09, 2012 by Reeshe


This week I found some very nice covers. Most are YA but two are for adult series and one of them is a steampunk and alternate history!

Team Human
by Justine Labalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan
After Dark
by Emi Gale
by Emma Cornwall
by Marie Lu

Blood Bound (Unbound #1)
by Rachel Vincent
(New UK Edition)

Remember how I asked in the last cover up post what your thoughts were on the Unbound series having mismatching covers well tada they now match and this one is blue ^_^. Despite it's prettiness though my favourites covers here would have to be Prodigy (yay for no faces) and Incarnation (gorgeous use of contrast there).

Posted on Wednesday, May 09, 2012 by Sandy


Monday, 7 May 2012

Book Blogger Confessions is a new bi-weekly meme hosted by Tiger @ All Consuming Books and Karen @ For What it's Worth Reviews.

Comments. The holy grail of blogging success! What type of posts do you leave comments on? How do you try to encourage more comments on your blog? Do you respond to people who leave comments on your posts? How do you handle negative/spam comments? Do you use captcha?

First of all – DEATH TO CAPTCHA- if you use CAPTCHA on your blog I ask you to kill it please. A little part of me dies every time I click post or publish after I type a comment and I see that thing pop up making me type out letters and numbers I can barely make out. Blogger already has a SPAM filter in place and CAPTCHA is just an extra, unnecessary precaution that wastes commenters’ time and leaves them frustrated (I am pointing to myself).

Now onto the other questions.

What type of posts do you leave comments on?
The type of posts that generally have me writing comments are most often the opinion/discussion type posts because they get me thinking and they generally ask the reader to voice their own views and thoughts. The topics are also interesting and of course book or book blogging related so it’s things I can talk about at length. I just wish I had topics popping into my head that I could post about and get discussions going on my own blog.

How do you try to encourage more comments on your blog?
When I used to have the time I found that leaving thoughtful comments on many other people’s blogs usually generated comments on my blog, and being social on twitter also surprisingly got people coming to my blog and commenting as well. Sadly I can’t say I have much time to do those two things as much as before. Memes are also not only a great way to get people viewing your blog but commenting as well, especially if you visit people signed up for the meme and leave a thoughtful comment on their post with a link back to yours below your name or something. But make sure you leave a sincere post not just a “great pick here’s mine” I consider that a spam comment and I basically ignore them.

Do you respond to people who leave comments on your posts?
 Not always right away but yes I do because I like getting responses to comments I make on other people’s blog so I figured some people might like replies to their comments. For some comments though I respond in other ways then replies. Like with Waiting on Wednesday or other memes instead of replying (or only replying) I like to visit the commenter’s blog and comment on their meme post or just another post by them and sometimes also thank them for stopping by my blog.

How do you handle negative/spam comments?
I have luckily never received a negative comment, yet. Unlike places like YouTube people in the book blogging world for the most part are quite civil and understanding when they don’t agree with your opinion on something. The most negative thing I’ve received in fact is someone commenting on a listopia post of mine about graphic novels I wanted to read this year and telling me that they aren’t graphic novels but manga and not saying anything else about my choices. I replied telling them manga are graphic novels, just a specific type. Whether they’ve seen my reply or not the discussion has not continued. As for spam comments where it’s obvious the reader didn’t even bother to read the post or think of something meaningful to say and just want me to visit their blog, I don’t bother clicking on their link.

Posted on Monday, May 07, 2012 by Sandy


Saturday, 5 May 2012

During my quest of searching for recently revealed covers I found Fade Out by Nova Ren Suma, a cover that was revealed back in November...so not so recent. But after I discovered Fade Out I found out that it is the YA re-release of Nova Ren Suma's middle grade novel Dani Noir so I had to look up the cover for that. Dani Noir is illustrated.

cover art by Marcos Calo

I will admit seeing Fade Out in Google images had me quickly clicking the link to get a better view of the book and to hopefully find out what the book was about. It caught my attention, which is what a book cover is supposed to do but Dani Noir is the book I will be buying because it has the cover I want. Both covers have a dark, mysterious quality to them and both covers are definitely suited for the audience they are meant to attract but there can only be one favourite here for me and it's Dani Noir.

What about you? Which cover do you prefer?

Posted on Saturday, May 05, 2012 by Sandy

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Friday, 4 May 2012

With our tickets already bought in advance the WildFire Writing team (and my siblings) will be heading to the movies tonight for comic book heroes, explosions and action!

Are you going to see The Avengers this weekend?
Which character from the Marvel universe is your favourite?

Posted on Friday, May 04, 2012 by Sandy