Book Blogger Confessions is a new bi-weekly meme hosted by Tiger @ All Consuming Books and Karen @ For What it's Worth Reviews.

Let's talk about a positive aspect of blogging! How has blogging influenced your real life in a positive way? (not related to books or reading) Have you learned to be organized or are you more social now for example?

Not related to books? I have no idea. I don’t think I am more organized I still leave things to the last minute, procrastinate, miss personal deadlines, reply to emails late and I certainly utilize twitter a lot more than I did in the beginning but what motivated me to get a twitter was so I could follow authors so I could keep updated on their work. And now besides my friends I follow other bloggers and publishers and other book related things xD.

Oh wait!

Blogging has made me a lot more html and CSS savvy I can do formatting without having to use the Compose screen and I can add captions to images, create tables, add shadow to text or put blocks of a post in div “boxes”. I can edit my template and make blog buttons scroll, turn an image into a button and other neat little things that I had no idea how to do before I started a blog. Now I am trying to learn how to make my own template (on Scribing Shadows) or add a sidebar here on WildFire Writing. I also want to learn how to develop/design websites which is something I wanted to do before blogging but blogging has certainly made me a lot more motivated and knowledgeable.