The 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is hosted by April over on Good Books & Good Wine. You can start the challenge anytime you want, Day 1 is here.

Who are Your Blogger BFFs?

You know when I was going through the challenge and creating answers in advance I skipped this question? First of all I am not a very social person, 9 out of 10 times I will not approach you, and I am equal parts introvert and equal parts shy. I don’t like bothering people at least that’s what it feels like, even when I am in the midst of an online conversation I will cease discussion if I feel the conversation has gone on too long and I am thinking I MUST be bothering the person now. Even when I am friends with them (or think I am friends with them). Second of all I haven’t been blogging a lot lately so ties with people have kind of faded since I haven’t spoken with people in a while. Are these people still my BFFs if I just talk to them occasionally on twitter? Ok I am over thinking things now.

Let’s see well Reeshe (the Vixen to my Sparrow) is my best friend in the real world and although she has moved away to another country and is busy with school right now and doesn’t have internet access where she is living at the moment and can’t really blog at the moment she is still a blogging BFF. Andrea of Aine’s Realm is definitely a blogging buddy; we were online friends before either of us became book bloggers. She lives in another country as well but I have met up with her 3 times and have actually stayed with her 2 of those 3 times. Besides blogging we chat on twitter, have weekly skype chats when Vampire Diaries is in season and mock the show (and fangirl over Bonnie) and we are both members of a Melissa Marr fanforum. I am trying to see if I can get Andrea to go to BEA with me or if I’ll go join her at an ALA signing one day :).